CC BY-NC-ND by zagher

DIY Dog Grooming Tools and How to Use Nail Clippers and Trimmers

DIY Dog Grooming Tools and How to Use Nail Clippers and Trimmers

Before you purchase a long list of dog grooming tools, take time to consider your dog, and what DIY Dog grooming tools he or she really needs. The first tool to purchase is a table which has a sturdy surface for grooming, which is not too slippery. If your dog is prone to chew your fingers, restless and fidgets while on the table, a muzzle may be a good investment. A muzzle doesn’t hurt a dog in any way, but does protect him or her from biting you. Once you’ve found a sturdy surface the following dog grooming tools will help keep your puppy healthy and happy:

Dog Toothbrushes

Dog Toothbrushes pictured as used as DIY Dog Grooming tools
CC BY-NC-ND by zagher

Home dog grooming tools are not complete without the toothbrush. It’s easy for your puppy to get plaque build up, which leads to infection and possibly a blood condition leading to heart failure. Purchasing a toothbrush for dogs will allow you to gently brush off excess plaque and keep their breathe smelling like roses, well, almost.

With the use of dog grooming tools you will have the ability to groom without making your whole room or grooming are dirty. Using grooming table will ease your job by allowing you to tie up you dog using a strap attached to it. Likewise, the height balance makes a difference during the grooming.

If you have to keep on bending during the grooming then it may cause a back problem after grooming. So to avoid such problems also you will need to have a proper grooming equipment setup.

How to Choose Clippers

You will find that not every dog will require clippers it will depend on the breed of dog. Generally short-haired dogs like Chihuahuas for example will not require clipping or shaving whilst dogs whose hair grows long, like Shih Tzus, require clipping regularly in order to avoid their hair becoming tangled and matted.

How to Use Nail Trimmers to Use as DIY Dog Grooming Tools

Buying the Right Nail Trimmers as DIY Dog Grooming Tools

There are many types and styles of nail trimmers available which can help you and make the job easier and less distressing for your dog, when you trim his nails, but ask your veterinarian for their guidance regarding what kinds of nail trimmers are most suitable for your dog and how best to make use them correctly.

Ensure that the trimmers you use are sharp.

How to Use Nail Trimmers 

Start by sniping just a little at a time starting from the tip of the nail. As soon as you begin to see the pale pink tissue at the top of the nail, STOP cutting. Examine the edge of the nail you have just cut and smooth the cut edge with a nail file.

You must avoid cutting directly into the quick as it is made up of nerves and blood vessels which will be painful if cut and will bleed profusely.

With white nails the quick is more easily seen as it is the pink section of the nail however on dark nails it is far more difficult to see so more care is necessary.

What to do in the Event of an Accident While Using DIY Dog Grooming Tools

Should you be unfortunate and cause the nail to start to bleeding, pressure should be applied using styptic powder or alternatively a baby powder or cotton.

Do not wipe away any blood clot that forms when the nail stops bleeding as this is a natural blood clotting process to stop bleeding.

Do not forget the dewclaw which is located on the inside of you dog’s leg because it wares away less compared to the other nails due to not touching the ground. Try to get into a routine of cutting your dogs nails once or twice a month as this will prevent the quick lengthening. If this is overlooked the nails can become ingrowing which will be extremely painful for your dog.

Warning! DIY Dog Grooming Tools are Sharp and Can Cause Injury to Your Dog

If you are nervous or unsure of your ability to cut your dogs nails or perhaps you have not cut them since he was a puppy, just take your pet to the veterinarian where the correct method of cutting your dog’s nails can be shown to you or if you decide it can be done for you. 

Under no circumstances use nail clippers intended for use on humans.

Conclusions to Heed Well Before Commencing to Use DIY Dog Grooming Tools

The above gives you an idea of what you will need to familiarise yourself with if you decide to undertake the grooming of your dog. Use of the correct items will make looking after your dog’s grooming needs much easier and you will get much pleasure and satisfaction from ensuring that your dog look good.

A favourable bond will be strengthened between you and your dog by you undertaking the grooming of your pet yourself, but it is essential that you select dog grooming products that will make it easier for your dog to relax and enjoy this time with you.

If you want to save the expense on paying for your dog to be groomed professionally then it is something you can undertake yourself. By getting the correct DIY dog grooming tools for the job in hand and taking advice where needed you will have a well groomed dog to be proud of and the satisfaction of having done it yourself.


DIY Dog grooming is not for everyone, it may not be right for you. In fact it is not “right” for very many dog owners.


Contact your veterinarian to discuss any special needs your type and breed of dog might have that may possibly require specific dog grooming products to be purchased.


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